International Anti-Corruption Day

Corruption is dishonest behavior by those in positions of power and can include giving or accepting bribes or inappropriate gifts, double-dealing, under-the-table transactions, manipulating elections, diverting funds, laundering money, and […]

Human Rights Day

Human Rights Day marks the adoption in 1948 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights for the inalienable rights which everyone is entitled to as a human being - regardless […]

International Mountain Day

Home to 15% of the world´s population, mountains host about half of the world's biodiversity hotspots and provide freshwater to half of humanity. Of the 20 plant species that supply […]

World Arabic Language Day

Used daily by more than 400 million people, Arabic (the word meaning nomadic) was first spoken by nomadic tribes who occupied the area between Mesopotamia, the Lebanon mountains, the Sinai […]

International Migrants Day

The International Organization for Migration (IOM) notes that there is no universally accepted definition for migrant, and that this word is an umbrella term, not defined under international law, reflecting […]

International Human Solidarity Day

Solidarity, as identified in the Millennium Declaration, is one of the fundamental values of international relations -- those, who suffer or benefit least deserve help from those who benefit most. […]