The focus for the Graduate Union 2024 End of Year Appeal is to advance the profile of the Graduate Union by engaging our membership through the Eminent Visiting Scholar and mentoring programs. Your gifts and donations to this End of Year Appeal are vital in supporting graduates with a commitment to lifelong education and a passion for the exchange of ideas.
Thanks to those who have contributed so generously to the Graduate Union in 2024. Your donations have helped us to run a mentoring program involving Graduate House residents and volunteers from the wider GU community. A large bequest from the estate of Graham and Yvonne McCredie will start our Eminent Visiting Scholars in Residence program next year (see November GU newsletter page 14). Another donation (anonymous) made possible the design competition for the Graduate Union Lapel Pin (see October Newsletter p. 14). With the generous support of the Watson family, the Margaret Watson travelling scholarship will be reinstated in 2025.
Next year will be an important year for the Graduate Union. Soon, there will be a major announcement regarding the Stage 1 building project. Discussions are also underway with some potential donors to support the Eminent Visiting Scholars program. The mentoring program, which we successfully introduced this year, will be operational again. Our 2024 End of Year Appeal will ensure that these two programs continue in coming years, and that our Advancement efforts can be expanded.
Advancement is based not only on philanthropy, bequests, and donations. It’s also based on people who give their time to promoting the Graduate Union. You will see on the reverse side that we are inviting members to volunteer their time as well as their donations to this important venture.
In completing the form on the reverse, please be assured that your support, however large or small, will be important to our future growth and not only in enhancing our profile for prospective members, but also in ensuring that we are able to engage with and offer more to our diverse national and international members.
You are also invited to contribute to our ongoing
• 110th Anniversary Appeal to improve common areas (celebrating the founding of our organisation in 1911). • 60th Jubilee Appeal to improve accommodation (celebrating the opening of Graduate House to provide graduate accommodation).
We seek your support towards Re-imagining our Future as a Graduate Union in the 21st century