College Life
English Conversation Corner
Our English Conversation Corner gives Resident Members the opportunity to practise their English conversational skills, in a relaxed and casual environment.
College Tables
College Tables are informal collegial lunch-time discussions on a ‘grand challenge’ issue in a graduate school field. Dine over lunch while learning from an expert about the latest interesting issues in their field. Not restricted to Members. Usual dining room prices apply.
Bridge Night
Bridge Night is held every Wednesday of the month and is not restricted to Graduate Union Members. We welcome all gaming groups, so bring your friends and partake in any quiet board game you like! From chess, to checkers or scrabble, the game is yours!
Italian Conversation Dinner
Dine and speak Italian with an excellent and experienced teacher every first and third Tuesday of the month. All you need to join is an interest in this beautiful language and some basic vocabulary.
Residents’ Special Breakfast
Resident Members and non-resident Members meet over a hearty breakfast on the second Tuesday of every month with some incredible breakfast ideas by our chefs.
JobFocus gives the opportunity for a small group of Members to discuss their experiences in gaining employment after having gained their postgraduate qualifications. Together the group also weighs up the advantages and disadvantages of different job-seeking approaches, as well as possible solutions to the many challenges involved.
Monthly Luncheons
Monthly Luncheons are lunch meetings held on the first Wednesday of every month. There are guest speakers from various disciplines ranging from politics, law, arts and culture, to medicine, health, law and the humanities. These luncheons are open to Members and non-members.
Women’s Forum
Once a month, female graduates come together to discuss topics including politics, philosophy, current affairs, social history and contemporary society. These meetings then continue over lunch in the dining room. Forums are open to Members and Non-Members.
Residents’ Meet and Greet
Meet and Greets are a vital part of the college and graduate experience. Here graduates have the opportunity to mix with like-minded individuals over a meal and free drinks for Resident Members. Non-resident Members, visitors and guests pay bar prices.
Making a Difference Globally
Our global membership is committed to doing their part to reach the 17 2030 Sustainable Development Goals. From the very small to the very large, every contribution helps. We believe that an association such as ours — with members of all disciplines, life stages and countries — can and should contribute actively to the targets set in September 2015. Collectively, the intelligence, the networks and the influence can make this happen.
Click the goals below to see their stories.
Tell us how you Can Make a Difference
College Activities
Many Resident Members contribute locally to activities around Graduate House as well as more widely to our international collegium through the advancement of education and social good.
Groups are formed according to shared interests in areas such as music, drama, sport, volunteering, debating, gaming and socialising.
Because the population in college varies each week, the types of groups and their membership changes. It is up to each current resident population to form and run college groups and to ensure succession planning for when they leave.
Gender equality is everyone’s responsibility
UN Women’s HeForShe movement is about making a change to gender equality. But it’s not just up to women. Every gender plays an instrumental role in facilitating change. Graduate House is about inclusion. It’s about equality. That’s why our Residents started the ‘give a flower, get a smile‘ campaign. When you share a flower with someone, it’s representative of your commitment to pursuing gender equality. Make a pledge, and push for gender equality today. Learn more.
Why 23 August?Â
The 23 August marks the day the most influential petition organised by the Australian suffrage movement, was presented to South Australian parliament. The petition included 11,600 signatures collected within South Australia and the Northern Territory and  was presented to the Parliament of South Australia on 23 August 1894.  It was also presented when the 1894 Bill that led to the enfranchisement of South Australian women was read in Parliament. Women achieved full voting rights in South Australia during a time when women in Australia and throughout most of the world did not have the legal right to vote in most elections.
Following on from its inaugural success in 2016, ‘give a flower, get a smile‘ is a Graduate House initiative that is usually now held each year.
We have an opportunity to work together to be advocates for change for gender equality. The promotion of gender equality in our communities is an important expression of our respect for all of humanity. It is essential that girls and women are treated as equals, with respect and given equal opportunity.
Gender equality is not just a women’s issue, it’s a human rights issue that benefits everyone. It is imperative that we continue to raise awareness and take positive action about equality. This is something that everyone of us can do something about – and we can do it right now. I strongly encourage you to join your fellow residents at Graduate House in their HeForShe Campaign to support gender equality. Sometimes an intention is not enough. Let’s come together in order to ensure a future where, in particular all of our girls and women, know that their lives matter, that we’re looking out for them, and that everything can be, and will be, OK.
Graduate House Friends of Rotary
Volunteer and Other Opportunities
Rotary Club of Carlton BBQ
The Rotary Club of Carlton hold multiple BBQ events throughout the year and look for volunteers to help on the day.
The shifts are two hours and if you are free, this is a good way to spend your Saturday morning or afternoon, to help raise money for worthy Rotary projects.
Please email Parisa Shiran to volunteer or to receive more information about coming BBQ events.
Rotary Book Fair
After the great success of last year’s inaugural book fair, where the proceeds were directed through Australian Rotary Health to aid the funding of mental health research, the Rotary Club of Carlton is again holding a Rotary Book Fair.
This, again, is a great opportunity to help and support Rotary Community Projects and Australian Mental Health Research.
Please donate your books, vinyl records, CDs, and DVDs that you no longer read, look at, or listen to, at Graduate House Reception, Monday to Friday, 7:00am to 7:00pm, and visit the book fair to pick up a bargain or more!
Thank you for supporting the Rotary Club of Carlton — their aim is to make a difference for the benefit of humanity and our community.
During your stay at Graduate House, consider joining the Resident Member Committee (RMC). You can be a part of advancing the feeling of collegiality and being a voice for the Resident Members at Graduate House.
Resident Member Committee
The Resident Member Committee (RMC) meets regularly with staff to discuss residency matters, compiles reports for use by staff and the Council subcommittees, and receives and distributes communications from Council, subcommittees and staff to all Resident Members.
The RMC comprises the Resident Member representatives on Council subcommittees, the Duty Residents and representatives from the Graduate House Student Group (GHSG).
Meeting dates are shown in the annual calendar, with the first of four scheduled for late-January each year.
The following shows an example of the composition of the RMC. This changes each year according to the governance structure and the active working parties.
Resident Member representation on subcommittees of Council
Council, the governing body of The Graduate Union, delegates responsibilities to six subcommittees:
- Buildings and Facilities;
- Finance and Audit;
- Fundraising and Benefactions;
- Governance and Nominations;
- Membership and Marketing; and
- Remuneration.
Each year, Resident Members may be appointed to each of these subcommittees, except the Remuneration subcommittee. On these subcommittee the Resident Members work alongside the Association’s Council members as well as with industry experts. With terms ranging from one to three years, the voluntary Resident Member positions provide valuable experience in governance, access to influential career networks and potential referees, and a good line on the resume! If interested in applying to become a subcommittee member, read the Rules and Regulations of our Association — the latter of which explain the roles and responsibilities of the subcommittees — and then arrange for a meeting with our CEO/Head of College by emailing
Graduate House Student Group
The Graduate House Student Group (GHSG) began in 2014 and is a constituted affiliated member of the Graduate Student Association of The University of Melbourne (GSA).
This affiliation brings benefits to GHSG, including opportunities to network with other post-graduate student groups, to apply for funding, to provide representation of postgraduate matters and to gain training.
The GHSG is a vital component of our Graduate House and of the wider Association membership and is convened by the Resident Members for the Resident Members, primarily to organise social activities.
Office holders on the GHSG committee include (variously) a President, Vice-President, Secretary, Treasurer, Events Coordinator, Environment and Social Justice Coordinator, Sports Coordinator, Publicity Coordinator and Annual Ball Coordinator. The committee welcomes input and contributions from all residents.
The GHSG committee has a succession process to ensure its continuation with the ever-changing population of Graduate House. If you are interested in becoming a committee member or in giving your support for other college initiatives, get in touch. Details are in the newsletter and on in-house flyers. To view the GHSG constitution, click here.
Members of the Graduate House Student Group
Working Party
Various working parties are established each year. Resident Members may volunteer to become members of these working parties and thus assist in providing feedback and suggestions, and in delivering on the charter for each. This gives meeting and governance experience and can be listed on the resident’s resume.
Duty Residents
Duty Residents are also Resident Members who assist others living in the college during non-core business hours (from 7:00PM to 7:30PM Monday to Friday and all day Saturday and Sunday).
New residents who arrive in the evenings or on weekends are shown to their rooms and given a brief tour of the facility by the Duty Resident rostered on at that time.
Duty Residents aim also to make all residents feel welcomed and included in college life. The Duty Resident roster rotates weekly. The roster is shown on the notice board to the left of Reception. The rostered Duty Resident may be contacted by mobile phone, by pressing the external intercoms and from the wall phone at reception (the M3 button).