International Albinism Awareness Day

Albinism is a rare, genetic difference which results in a lack of melanin in the hair, skin and eyes, causing vulnerability to the sun and bright light. The incidence varies from 1 in 1,000 on the African continent to 1 in 20,000 in Europe and North America. Persons with albinism are highly vulnerable to skin […]

International Day for the Elimination of Sexual Violence in Conflict

Conflict-related sexual violence refers to rape, sexual slavery, forced prostitution, forced pregnancy, forced abortion, enforced sterilization, forced marriage and any other form of sexual violence of comparable gravity perpetrated against women, men, girls or boys that is directly or indirectly linked to a conflict. The term also encompasses trafficking in persons when committed in situations […]

International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women

1 in 3 women and girls experience physical or sexual violence in their lifetime, most frequently by an intimate partner. Only 52% of women married or in a union freely make their own decisions about sexual relations, contraceptive use and health care. 71% of all human trafficking victims worldwide are women and girls, and 3 […]