2023 Graduate Union Council Elections
As a result of the call for nominations published in the January/February newsletter, four valid nominations have been received for three vacancies. A poll will therefore be held, with voting closing at 4.00PM on Friday, 9th May, 2023. Candidates are listed here, and on the voting paper, in the order in which names were determined by lot in the presence of witnesses. An asterisk* indicates a retiring Council Member seeking re-election.
* GRAY, Natalie
BTRP (Hons) (Melb), GradDip (Property) (RMIT)
I was invited to assist the Graduate Union in developing the masterplan and facilitate the Stage 1 development approval. Stage 1 is a multi storey building on the corner of Leicester and Grattan Streets. During that period, I enjoyed many activities at Graduate House and the company of members.
Since my election to Council in 2020, I have attended Council and Committee meetings, social functions, meetings associated with property and relations with Melbourne University. I enjoy the collegiality of all members as well as the diversity and energy of residents. The cultural functions provide access to a much bigger world.
* ASTHANA, Molina
BComm (Delhi), LLB (Delhi), LLM (Melb)
I have served on Council for 6 years and have contributed significantly as Board Member and Chair of Governance and Nominations Committee. I have focused on streamlining and modernising governance processes, strived to ensure a skills-based board and focus on contemporary issues like diversity and inclusion and eliminating sexual harassment.
I am an experienced lawyer and board director, serving on boards for over 12 years. I have knowledge and experience in best practice corporate governance structures, policies and processes including an understanding of legal frameworks and governing bodies.
I have good relationships with community organisations and lived experience of a person of culturally diverse background and therefore able to connect with wider membership and understand member expectations. I am a regular at the Graduate House and also introduce new people.
I am future focused and remain committed to the growth and development of the Graduate House in a changing environment.
BA.LL. B (Hons) (Melb), LL.M.(Melb)
I have been on council for 2 years, appointed to provide advice on the prospects of an insurance claim in relation to covid. I have been on the governance committee during that period. I would like to continue the work I have been undertaking on the governance committee and the insurance claim.
I am a member of other associations and believe that experience will be useful in my role as councillor.
I have been practising the Bar since 1976 and appointed Senior Counsel in 2002.
I believe my broad experience will be of use to the Association.
* COMTE OAM, Martin
BMus (Melb), BEd (Melb), MEd (LaTrobe),
PhD (Michigan)
I have been a Council member for the past 3 years, Chair of the Fundraising & Benefactions Subcommittee, and Co-Chair (since 2022) of the Membership & Marketing Subcommittee. I contribute regularly to the GU Newsletter with interviews of Graduate House residents and members.
A former Dean of a university Faculty of Education, I have had senior appointments in two University Residential Colleges.
I am committed to increasing the diverse membership of Graduate Union to encompass all age ranges – particularly those in their early and mid-careers – and to ensuring our ongoing viability as a graduate membership association and provider of excellent accommodation. I am also committed to enhancing the residential experience for students and others, and furthering our reciprocal arrangements with similar graduate member organisations here and overseas.
Recently I initiated and arranged the purchase of our grand piano and am engaged in arranging more social activities for members and residents.